
WCAG by requirement

To make it simple, I have grouped WCAG by requirement. Bare minimum and everything. That's all you really need to know.

To be clear, accessibility is not a checklist or a tool, and doing everything exacly as documented here will not always guarantee an accessible, or compliant site. It's important to note that how you deliver accessibility is unique and completely dependant on your particular site content, and users.

Bare minimum

This represents the bare minimum you should be meeting for an accessible website, based on WCAG 2.2. It includes level A and level AA guidelines.


Every single WCAG criterion in version 2.2, from level A all the way to level AAA. Contrary to popular belief, level AAA is not always hard or impossible to meet. There are many technical reasons why items will be designated as AAA, but what I have experienced over time is a lot of these are just included as part of good design and usability.